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How to Reduce Eye Strain from Screens

A young businessman, tired and overworked, removes his glasses and rubs his tired, dry eyes after spending long hours working on his computer late into the night.

Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to help reduce eye strain from screens, including:

Adjusting screen brightness and contrast

Positioning the screen at an appropriate distance

Taking frequent breaks

Equipping proper lighting in the room

Using blue light filters or glasses

Regular eye exams

Eye exercises […]

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Is Vision Insurance Worth It?

A female optometrist in a clinic, crossing her arms and smiling while looking directly at the camera.

Many vision insurance plans aren’t actually insurance—they operate closer to group discount rates. Rather than covering any and all services based on your coverage, these plans simply offer certain discounted services for you based on what they can offer. While this can benefit some, it may not be ideal for others—it depends greatly on your finances and unique situation. […]

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Building an Online Presence: 6 Marketing Tips for Your Eye Clinic

Hand arranged wood letters spelling SEO, the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization as a marketing technique for optometry practices.

Effective marketing can attract new patients, foster a strong connection within the community, and build trust. Some marketing strategies to consider for your eye clinic include:

Build a strong online presence

Implement search engine optimization

Develop engaging social media content

Online advertising

Take advantage of local marketing opportunities

Track and analyze the results […]

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