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Category: Eye Health

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Black Spot on the White of the Eye: When to See a Doctor

A close-up of a patient's brown eye.

Some people may notice a black spot, known as an eye freckle, on the whites of their eyes. Generally, this is something we’re born with, but it can also develop later in life. For the most part, eye freckles are benign and needn’t be a cause of worry. However, if you notice changes in the color, shape, or size of the freckle, you should visit your optometrist.  […]

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Is Keratoconus Genetic?

A closeup of someone's eye, their cornea curved from the progression of keratoconus

Research suggests that keratoconus may have a genetic component, as it often runs in families. However, environmental factors, such as excessive eye rubbing, allergies, and exposure to ultraviolet light, may also contribute to its onset and progression. […]

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How to Reduce Eye Strain from Screens

A young businessman, tired and overworked, removes his glasses and rubs his tired, dry eyes after spending long hours working on his computer late into the night.

Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to help reduce eye strain from screens, including:

Adjusting screen brightness and contrast

Positioning the screen at an appropriate distance

Taking frequent breaks

Equipping proper lighting in the room

Using blue light filters or glasses

Regular eye exams

Eye exercises […]

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