One possibility is that an underlying eye condition like dry eye or blepharitis is causing irritation. Environmental irritants like smoke can also cause your eyes to burn when you cry. And, sometimes, it’s just the natural composition of your tears that interact with your eyes. […]
What Are Reading Glasses?
Reading glasses are specifically designed to aid an individual’s close-up vision and are often available with several different types of lens and frame styles. […]
Do I Need Reading Glasses?
Consider reading glasses or progressive lenses to help correct your vision at short distances if you experience these changes, especially if you’re over 40. […]
How Does Vision Insurance Work?
Vision insurance works similarly to other types of insurance—you regularly make payments toward your plan so you can get financial assistance when you need eye care services. […]
How Do Transition Lenses Work?
A photochromic lens, also known as a transition lens, works by transitioning between a clear tint and darker tint in response to molecular changes in the lens material triggered by light. […]
Marketing Strategies for Your Eye Clinic
If you’re looking to drive up traffic, some helpful marketing strategies include:
Offering a limited-time promotion
Starting a social media campaign
Organizing or joining a community event
Implementing a referral program
Partnering with our team at Total Vision […]
What Causes Sudden Nearsightedness?
Sudden nearsightedness can result from genetics, prolonged screen time, hormones, underlying health conditions, and age-related changes. […]
What Is Myopia Control?
Myopia control involves the use of treatments and techniques created to help, slow, or stop myopia progression and preserve individual vision. […]
Why Do I Feel a Sharp Stabbing Pain in My Eye? Causes & Treatments
Our eyes are incredibly complex and sensitive organs, and any discomfort or pain that might indicate an eye emergency can […]
What Is Considered Normal Vision?
Normal vision, often called 20/20 vision, is the ability to see clearly at 20 feet what should typically be visible […]